Saturday, August 24, 2024

Ramp2024 Map Reviews - Part II

Enjoy more reviews! Ramp2024 link.  GZDoom link.

Deimos Outpost Maps

Imp's Encounter by culka

Fun little mod/map - though it's quite short, I wonder if perhaps there just isn't much left in this idea.  (Perhaps you evolve into a stronger demon somehow, or obtain some kind of hell artifact?)  Anyway for what it is, it's really nice. The end scenario is difficult but if you've been learning how to be an imp you can figure out how to do it.  4 stars.

Freeflow Speedmapped Slaughtermap 01 by epicyolomaster420

"'Dead dove, do not eat.'  I don't know what I was expecting."  Actually just kidding, this is a better slaughtermap than 03 discussed above. The key element is that on this map there's both a decent amount of cover, space, and pressure, as well as the possibility for infighting. Still not my thing but I kinda liked this one.  3 stars.

NXT Line (Get In Line) by Arsinikk

Rather short, though quite atmospheric.  The use of purple in doors and items gave it a unique color palette.  (It might be worth considering making the radiation suit display its function in a way other than the green glow, though, it made the whole place look like garbage.)  I would describe it as a "great start".  3.5 stars.

My Dying Machine by Async Unicorn

An interesting little map with a few signature quirks - two buttons/levers to open a door instead of one, cramped spaces instead of expansive ones. I enjoyed it! 3.5 stars.

Hell Desires Bureaucracy by Psychedelic Eyeball

The odd shape of the main antechamber leads to some fun battles there, however, the odd variety of monster rollouts makes the ammo placement a bit more stringent than it needs to be. The last fight in particular is an exercise in grinding it until you figure out who you don't need to fight. Doesn't feel great. 3 stars.

Phantom Nexus by NenapoMinayuChtchiyasya

A unique, ultra-cramped, doubling-back, poisonous style makes for a unique challenge. A highly well designed map in the sense of its use of space and monster placement, but there are multiple times when you press a button or lever and just have no idea what it's done, if anything, and, conversely, you face an obstacle, and have no idea how to progress.  I eventually gave up and noclipped to a button that got things moving again.  If it could telegraph its puzzles a little bit better I would give it extremely high marks. 3.5 stars.

My Largest Map by M.a.X.

A little collection of fun ideas for rooms, but with very little flow or logic between them. I don't mind cramped quarters but whether a corridor is traversable or not should be legible at a glance in a fast paced game like Doom.  And you could maybe make this one a little more difficult!  3 stars.

Poko's Respite by Cmdr Disco Cat

A cute first map, though the flaw in the map reveal is that on many resolutions you won't be able to see the shape of the map!  The gallery is lovely and the sentiment is great. This is the core of what community mapping has to offer, just a personal expression.  A good use of returning to rooms to fight again, making all those supplies useful.  As with the previous map, this one might even be made a bit more difficult! If you swap out the rocket launcher for the plasma cannon, the close quarters of certain rooms become a real challenge.  3.5 stars.

Mentzer's Tunnels by Shieldmaiden

Extremely basic, but it runs.  Hope to see you continue in the future to explore lighting, different types of triggers and traps.  1.5 stars.

Hangar 17 Maps

Linear Labs by Drum

Very simplistic, but a few stylistic flourishes show there's potential to elevate it.  The exit sign "misdirect" in the first building in particular got me.  "Oh yeah I guess they would put an exit sign there!"  An area for improvement is being more consistent about which niches are blocked, which are accessible and which are fully climb-into-able would be helpful, particularly with some visual cues for that.  And there really isn't much in the way of atmosphere here, so the climactic cyberdemon isn't exciting.  2 stars.

Reaping Implement by Jon Ex Machina

A masterclass in fair difficulty, architectural style, varied gameplay and use of monsters.  The lower tier monsters are used in creative ways in traps and placements long after most maps would have simply abandoned them.  A complete triumph, one of the best I've played so far this year.  5 stars.

Shifted Lab by Sharb

A few interesting locations here and there but the rest of it is a little flat.  The music also doesn't really fit the feel.  2 stars.

M3LTD0WN by The Gaming Fox

Again, there are a few interesting locations and battles, but the ammo situation and the cramped movement for much of it keeps it from developing any kind of inertia that could carry me forward. The music doesn't do it for me either. 2.5 stars.

The Dark Trial by ONETAPPYBOI and NiGHTS108

An exceptional arena/wave implementation in some ways. However, I question the design of the arena itself. It lacks open areas - the closest to an open area has bad sightlines due to some vine sprites hanging around. If you're going to give me multiple waves of different enemies, which is fine, I should have some options for how to deal with them.  Otherwise it's just grinding until I figure out what the designers want. Not so fun. 3 stars.

The Argent Maze by Roast Doom

Although there's a few standout rooms, it's otherwise bland and a bit disorienting. 2.5 stars.

The FOB by Palindrome

At first I was a little underwhelmed but the escalation of each battle is really excellent. (To the point where I almost think the plasma cannon is superfluous - making me manage the rocket launcher in some of the close-quarters confrontations near the end is fun.)  The ending seemed rather abrupt, for the same reason. 3.5 stars.

Deep Canyon by Filip R

An obvious first draft, some thought into making the backtracking more interesting would probably be my next step in fleshing this one out.  1.5 stars.

Last Starport Maps

My Vewwy First Tech Base by AFriendCalled5

Probably the best secret passageways that I've seen in a linear map in a long time, making you feel like you're finding ways into new challenges instead of just opening a treasure chest. The backtracking design is cool - I especially like when I realized I was emerging from a door that I had previously observed to be locked behind a key. The final arena is a fantastic setpiece.  I would use it even more extensively - I was able to back out of it before the door close and just bait everyone to come fight me in the other hallway, so it never felt that hectic.  Perhaps another wave or two in there could be triggered. It really is a lovely place. Some misaligned door textures don't really diminish this but could also be easily fixed. 4.5 stars.

Who Ordered A Secret Temple by meteor9

There's a certain type of map that I say has a "Doom 1 style" (laudatory). This has less to do with monster selection and more to do with the type of artistic direction in the space and textures offered. The big spaces are very simple and spare, the internal ones are more detailed. This map has a highly polished Doom 1 style, in my opinion. An excellent flow and sense of escalation. 4 stars.

MHWAD Ramp Edition by Markey

Wow, can't believe liberal politician Ed Markey is a DooM mapper now! What is it the youth say? "Based"?  Anyway I found this to be a unique approach to the usual slaughter map. While there are the usual big swarms of monsters, the free-flowing nature of the level, along with some  teleporters that you MUST get the hang of in order to survive and thrive, means that you have a great deal of freedom in trying to get the monsters to advantageous positions to use against each other and the environment. When I realized you didn't have to actually fight a single cyberdemon out of the four (4) cyberdemons I found in the level I was really interested. It's rare to see a new approach to Doom mapping style at this late date and this really made me happy. That said, there's a button that does a thing that's virtually impossible to figure out even with the computer map and it's a complete showstopper. Some more work on telegraphing what each of the buttons/levers do would be much appreciated. 3.5 stars.

Corruption by TotallyNotMapper01

Small, with the ending in particular a bit abrupt.  Although I appreciate the rooms having such odd shapes, nooks and crannies it doesn't seem to quite gel, and there's plenty of texture problems. Still, shows promise, and a great deal of ambition! 2 stars.

The Acidworks by TheKosmicKollector

I was a little worried this was going to be a green goop dominated map - my old eyes can't handle the green of the DooM radiation suit for long - but actually it's a small, well-themed map that was a pleasure to play through. 3.5 stars.

UAC Hellpost Gamma by Mordie the Felifox

Most mapmakers who include updated weapons or enemies are just using them because they're cool. They don't have this level of understanding of how to deploy them, how to mix them with existing enemies, and what they might be used for.  Here, the map, the flow from section to section, the theme, the deployment of monsters and use of supplies all interlock essentially flawlessly. And I love that if you're quick you don't have to fight all of the last fight.  Honestly a treat.  5 stars.

Extraction Operation by Virathas

People who try to make DooM maps to simulate "more advanced" FPS games with missions and objectives and such have an uphill battle from me. I feel like a great DooM level should be simply a great DooM level. That said, despite my prejudices, this a really well done Doom level. The different zones of the base you're escaping from are cool, and the outdoor fights are great fun, with plenty of room to pull them off (or dodge part of them if you can!) The use of the riflemen is all right, but putting two at the top of towers that you can't reasonably aim at is a pretty clear mistake - either shrink the towers so I can hit them or don't put them up there.  3.5 stars.

RAMPERK by elmwood

Shitpost/meme maps are rarely any good because they're usually (like their inspiration) low-effort. This one absolutely isn't. It's a deranged riot of color, sound effects, and of course AMOGUS.  The main issue is that it's much too hard for an oldhead like myself, even with a BFG and a health bar for the end boss.  I can't argue that I didn't laugh throughout though.  3.5 stars.