Another question from the dark forest, which is essentially creaky old people muttering about how much better it was back in the day. I tried to answer the following self-summarized prompt, posted in late 2022:
"JD! You absolute fool. You dunce. Why do you say 'System Matters' lost the debate in the public sphere? What's all this about "the streaming generation" of players? And don't you just hate all that shit, why are you talking about it like it's legitimate?!"
Over the last...maybe year and a half, I came to terms with the population of people entering the hobby via twitch or youtube streams (the Actual Play podcast phenomenon continues but is greatly diminished in comparison). I have my issues with how those streams are conducted, but that's only of tangential interest here. I challenged myself: "You claim to care about your local gaming community, in fact you often assert that it's (and local communities like it are ) the only gaming community that exists. These people are going to flood your community and you are going to know nothing about their point of view. Are you one of those pieces of shit artists who sit around being like 'oh man we solved all these problems in 2005, these new artists are dumb and have nothing to show me and will do nothing to help the world'". Are you that kind of guy, where they'll laugh at you behind your hand because you're old and have nothing to offer them?